An online library of resources to help you reduce substance use stigma through a health equity lens.
Gathered by Reframe Health and Justice. Made possible with support from the Center for Disease Control Foundation.
Health equity is a proactive process of creating and enforcing practices, policies, values, and action that produce fair and equitable health access, opportunities, treatment and outcomes for all. Health equity requires a commitment to naming and confronting inequities , shifting power, equitable distribution of resources to address historical and contemporary causes of inequities, accountability and targeted, intersectional approaches designed to materially improve the lives of marginalized people. We practice health equity to achieve health justice.
Adapted from the definition of racial equity put forth by the Center for Urban and Racial Equity (CURE).
We chose resources based on three factors:
If they had a racial, gender, and economic equity focus
If they had the potential to reduce stigma related to drug use and people who use drugs
If they were broad, scalable, or multi-dimensional
A few of these resources meet the above criteria but do not use what the harm reduction field considers best language practice. We encourage readers to connect with what works for you. Should you wish to submit a resource for inclusion in this library, please contact us.
These resources explore data surrounding drug user health inequities and provide empirically-backed themes and solutions.
Narcan from ZeroStigma.Art
Illustrated by Lindsey Morano.
These video resources offer multiple learning formats to engage audiences in stigma reduction and health equity
Self-care from ZeroStigma.Art
Illustrated by Eje.
These resources provide tools and messaging to support health equity-informed anti-stigma campaigns.
Syringes from ZeroStigma.Art
Illustrated by Lindsey Morano.
These designs offer easily-digestible visual aids to advance understandings of inequities and stigma.
Harm Reduction is Empathy from ZeroStigma.Art
Illustrated by Jamie Harary.